Course Materials - Course Description


Mrs. Murray do Carmo

Class Blog:

Room 211




Kingswood Regional High School provides a safe learning community in which all students and educators work together to preserve our past and shape our future as we reach for personal success.  Kingswood Regional High School is committed to an equitable and flexible learning environment where students and educators learn to:

·         Develop academically as inquisitive, critical, independent and cooperative learners.

·         Develop respect for ourselves and others.

·         Embrace the challenges and responsibilities of participating in a democratic society.

·         Nurture individual talents and abilities.


Course Description:

The study of American Government is an essential part of developing an educated citizenry.  During the course of the semester, each child will be challenged to develop a complex and nuanced understanding of American political and economic systems and connect these larger systems to our everyday lives.  Students will investigate the fundamental values of our democratic society: freedom, equality and justice and consider the question, “Are we as a country living up to our core ideals and values?”  This course is designed to give students a broad knowledge of American Government while sharpening their ability to develop well-reasoned, evidence-based, political criticism.


Course Materials:

3” three ring binder with lined paper and dividers

Composition Notebook/Journal

Pencil, pen, highlighter


Student Responsibilities:

Attendance and promptness is extremely important in all Social Studies courses.  Class participation, honing communication and debate skills, and developing a safe and respectful intellectual environment are important elements of our classroom community.  It is your responsibility to contact me and arrange make-up work for any absence.  Our class blog will be utilized for this purpose frequently.  You have a grace period of 3 days to turn in make-up work from excused absences. TASC period must be utilized to make up quizzes and tests upon students return.  Late work will be deducted points accordingly.



Group Work:

Cooperative learning will always include an individual component to the assignment.  The group grade and individual grade will be averaged for a final grade.  One of the most challenging aspects of group work can be making sure that all members contribute equally to the final project.  Part of my job as the instructor of this course, is to be available to groups to help resolve any issues that may arise. Come see me sooner, rather than later, if there are problems that need to be addressed.


Individual Assignments and Projects:

This course emphasized the development of political criticism.  Our frequent writing assignments require informed and well-reasoned inquiry into current events and central issues in American Government and Economics.  All writing assignments must be typed in 12 pt. font and double-spaced.  ALL writing assignments will require MLA works cited AND in-text citations.   Proofreading is a must! I strongly recommend submitting drafts of writing assignments for comment and review before your final submission.


Grading Policy:

10%    Class Participation

10%     Homework

10%     Quizzes

20%     Tests

25%     Projects

25%     Writing assignments




            Red Flag                                                                     Intervention


            Grade point average 75% or below                            Conference with teacher to develop a

            at first two-week check                                              plan to get back on track.


            Test grade of 75% or below                                        Mandatory make-up session,


            Missing two homework assignments                          Mandatory after school session to

                                                                                                make up assignments.


            Grade point average of 75% or below                        Conference with teacher, student,

            at interims                                                                   and parent.  Mandatory tutoring



            Missing three or more consecutive                              Call home; mandatory make-up

            Classes or more than five classes (term)                     session with on-line assignments



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