19th Amendment Essay Resources
Dr. Elizabeth Griffin, Historian and author, contends that the ratification of the 19th Amendment was neither inevitable nor easy. She argues that women created and sustained a 72 year-long, grass-roots political movement that carved out a constitutionally protected space for the exercise of female 'self-sovereignty.' Consider her remarks below from the Ken Burns documentary, Not For Ourselves Alone.
"Its viewed as remarkable that this even happened (the 19th Amendement), because we are all still legacies of that cult of true womanhood. We still think of women as not quite equal, not quite the same as. And so, this enormous movement enfranchising half the population led by women is demeaned by the society as a whole. We don't think of it as significant because women did it! Suffrage is the expansion of the franchise. Its what Jacksonian Democracy did not do. Jacksonian Democracy gets a chapter and a half in most American History books and Seneca Falls maybe gets an illustration. This is major change in America. The expansion of the franchise for women and then it lays the groundwork for how the Civil Rights movement will follow: similar kinds of agitation, similar kinds of leadership. So it is an enormously significant piece of history that both touches men and women and is affected by men and women."
PROMPT: The promise of the 19th Amendment cannot be fulfilled until we have a female
Historical Overview:538 - What Americans Say About Electing a Female President
The Emergence of the 'Women's Sphere'
Women in Politics
The US is Ranked 104th in Women in Politics
Brief History of Marital Rape Laws
Not for Ourselves Alone - Video Clips
History of the 19th Amendment: Election Day! Pay special attention to the role of political cartoons in articulating national fears about the impact of woman's suffrage on the American family.
Sorry, Hillary: Women care more about their president than his (or her) gender
President's gender doesn't matter
Jordan Peterson on Gender Equality
AGREE: The Real Reason American Has Never Had a Female President
The Case for a Female President
The Glass Ceiling in Politics Needs to be Shattered
Why are women still not running for public office?
Why Having a Female President Matters
Background Research: The Conservative Answer to Feminism
Conservative Women are Running for Office This Year Too
Why Women Don't Run for Office
Video: Night of Terror
Video: Not for Ourselves Alone - Ken Burns
Part II - Winter Wheat - Begins at 2:50:02
Women's suffrage
Women win the Vote
Opposing Opinions on the Women's March
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