Thursday, January 23, 2020

Define American : The Immigrant Experience

Image result for the new americans images

Using the website linked below, make a mini-poster that introduces the class to a New American. Include a picture of your immigrant, a brief description of your immigrants culture and a summary of their immigrant story. Tell through your poster - who this New American is, what their experiences have been like.
New Americans Website


1) Choose a New American to study from the New Americans Website
2) Write up a short summary of your immigrant's experience. Why did they come here? What has life been like for them?
3)Investigate and represent visually TWO key elements of your immigrant's culture from the "Cultural Riches" tab. You have the choice of Art, Music, Food, and Language.
4) Include a picture of your immigrant on your poster.

Rubic HERE

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Blizzard Bag 3

Image result for image snow storm
Please go to Google Classroom for Blizzard Bag 3. You can find the direct link HERE.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

FRIDAY ASSIGNMENT - 2020 Presidential Campaign Research

Image result for images campaign
To conclude our elections unit, I would like you to do some research and investigate the candidates currently running for President in 2020. Use the link HERE to find the Google Doc worksheet for the assignment. You should make a COPY of this and share it with me. Please type your answers in a different color.

Sunday, December 1, 2019


Image result for Image snow storm

For your work today, we are going to be starting our unit on elections. Please read Chapter 10 Lessons 1 & 2 and complete the focus questions and key terms. Then, please watch the film below called Electoral Dysfunction and write down 10 important facts and 2 Questions.