POSITION PAPER RUBRIC - President Trump's Executive Order on Immigration and Refugees

American Government  
Citizenship Unit              
Special Focus: President Trump’s Executive order on Immigration
                During our investigation of the duties and responsibilities involved with American citizenship, we have considered citizenship both as a legal status and as a commitment to democratic principles and values. President Trump’s recent Executive order on refugees has raised important questions about how the United States defines its national character and by extension the nature of citizenship. Using the reading and research we have covered in class, it is your task to take a position on President Trump’s executive order on immigration.  You should consider the efficacy, legality and morality of the order and construct a well-written, thoughtful, evidence-based argument in support of your position. Good luck!  

Proficient with Distinction
Partially Proficient
Substantially Below Proficient
Idea Development
Creates a strong, well defined thesis with a profound position on the kind of immigration policy expressed in the executive order.
Creates a clear thesis with a defined position on the kind of immigration policy expressed in the executive order.
Opening thesis is established with a wavering position on the kind of immigration policy expressed in the executive order.
Opening thesis established no clear position on the executive order.
Supporting Details
Fully developed analysis of the legality, morality and efficacy of the executive order. Compelling evidence from three or more sources utilized to support analysis and argumentation.
Careful analysis of the legality, efficacy and morality of the executive order. Logical evidence from three sources utilized to support analysis and argumentation.
Some analysis of the legality, efficacy and morality of the executive order.  Limited supporting evidence from less than three sources utilized in support of analysis and argumentation.
Limited analysis of the legality, efficacy and morality of the executive order. Arguments are generalized without evidence from sources.
Writer makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Writer makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Writer makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Writer makes  4 + errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Use of Resources

Highly effective selection and use of resources. Skilled application of MLA formatting.
Careful selection and use of resources. Appropriate application of MLA formatting.
Narrow selection and simplistic use of resources. Sporadic and/or inconsistent application of MLA formatting.
Poor selection and misguided/limited use of resources. Little to no effort in the application of MLA formatting.
ASSIGNMENT: Write a two page position paper responding to the prompt below.  MLA in-text citations and Works Cited page required. Three resources minimum (Please use articles from class).
President Trump’s executive order on immigration is a legal, prudent and moral policy for the United States.

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